Air filter

Discussion in 'Renegade Chat' started by Mattsican, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Mattsican

    Mattsican Member

    Jun 15, 2016
    So don't laugh here....
    I'm 34 and never owned any vehicle before that I didn't pay straight cash (usually under 2k) for and pretty much drove them to the ground and moved on. That said, my car maintenance skills are basically not there. Now that I've invested in a brand new car ive decided it's time I get my sh*t together and learn to handle things myself.

    I bought a K&N air filter for my trailhawk and I know where it is in the engine compartment. I've googled and can't get a clear answer on how to replace it. Do I pretty much undo the screws and open up the box and the air filter is there and i just swap it out?

    Thanks in advance. And when you tell the story to your friends about the grown ass man who had to ask, be sure to add that at least he seemed like a nice guy, hah!
    MLH24 likes this.
  2. Mattsican

    Mattsican Member

    Jun 15, 2016
    *Unsolicited update*
    It's easy 3 screws. I noticed a few things... the engine has a tad more pep to its step now. It also made the engine sound a little more throaty during quick acceleration.
    samxkillax, TxToaster and Volleyholic like this.

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